This year's PPP module gives us a chance to explore further into one are of animation that we are interested in. I am very excited to get a module where I can specialise in something - I didn't enjoy all of last year as much as I could have done; trying everything was fun, but 2D animation is not something that I enjoy doing. I would much rather focus on the design and keeping the drawings looking nice than making the figure move, and that hindered my results significantly.
I thought that I would come into PPP ready to concentrate fully on design and visual development, and though I love those areas and would still like to continue them, our work so far this year has given me a chance to try 3D animation/art, and I am enjoying it so much more than I expected to. It feels much more natural than 2D animation and I would like to do more. However, the most fun thing I have done on this course so far is 3D modelling, and that is something I would like to focus on throughout our PPP module. Maybe 'design and creation of 3D assets' would be a good description of the work I hope to do this year and is something I will try and bring focus to throughout everyone of my modules.
I will start with more basic modelling, then texturing it and rigging for animation. I may then do some animating, and practice interaction between my characters, backgrounds an props and how I can make this work more smoothly.
By the end of this year I would like to have enough work to have a decent porfolio of 3D models and designs of characters, props and environments. At the moment I feel like I would like to show a larger focus on characters, but I know that through modelling I could change my mind on this, so I will have a look at how far I am after Christmas and hopefully be deciding on one particular aspect of modelling to do more of and feature more heavily in my portfolio. Studios will be looking for a more specific focus than just 3D modelling, and though it will be very good to have proof that I can do everything, I need to be specific in what sort of modelling I would specialise in for a company, and what sort of modelling I am better at.
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